From all the stuff I've been reading about aluminium, I've decided to work on the area of the actual beauty, emotion and individuality that was once associated with the material, which has now been lost due to high industrialised associations with aluminium.
Being a metal, the connotations of this disregards any association of beauty, preciousness or emotion - all of which were what the material used to be considered of. It was used and considered great than silver or gold -
reserved for the highest members of society like Napoleon III, who commissioned heaps of works to be made from the material. Now today you can go and buy the stuff in sheets from everywhere.
Alsooo, aluminium has been used throughout design history, from ancient bowls, French Jewellery,
heirlooms, to furniture,
building and construction.
It has been considered a material of change -- representing the change - particularly in the 1930s - within society -- yet also
nostalgia of the past -- also another area I'm considering looking at.